Monday, November 26, 2018

In Reflection

In December of last year, a few weeks before I retired, I was sitting at the phone desk and happened to notice the tepees outside the window in the parking lot.  Provo is always hosting some group or other so I thought maybe it was American Indian week, though they seemed to have appeared without much ado.  Also, there wasn't any indication of what was going on in Tepeeville.  How many tepees can you see?
It took me several minutes to figure out that there actually were no tepees.  It was all an illusion with  the light and darkness silhouetting the interior walls of the courthouse with reflections on the windows.  The interesting thing is that only about half of the people I pointed this out to could see the tepees.  The silent campground hung around for the last few weeks of December.  I'm sure they've set up camp again this year. I miss them. 

Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving.